Dear Friends, Poets and Sister Crones,
Last week, I had what my dear friend Elaine calls a ‘power’ dream. This story captures and honours that dream, where my consciousness shifted into an eagle, a tree and a river. Each transformation wove a modern-day fairy-tale, reflecting Crone wisdom. It’s been many years since I’ve written a short story, so please forgive any lack of finesse …
“Once upon a time, in a world filled with uncertainty, a poet found herself soaring above Mother Earth in a dream. As Eaglespirit Woman, her wings were outstretched, feathers majestic and powerful. Feeling the cool breeze beneath her, she circled higher and higher, letting go of all earthly concerns. She sang a song of hope, her voice echoing through the valleys below, nurturing the hearts of those who heard it.
Gliding over enchanted forests and sparkling rivers, she saw the pain and suffering of many people, but also their resilience and strength. She witnessed whole communities rebuilding after winter storms and wildfires, and a young Indigenous girl comforting her friend. These acts of kindness and courage filled her heart with joy, and everywhere she flew, similar scenes emerged.
As Eaglespirit Woman soared higher, she saw Mother Earth’s beauty unfold beneath her. She watched a family planting trees, breathing life into a forest once lost to flames. Children playing by a river, their laughter a symphony of hope. Wise Crones gathering in a circle, their stories a tapestry of resilience. These moments of harmony and renewal filled her heart, reminding her of the boundless potential for healing and growth.
As the poet’s consciousness shifted, she found herself rooted deep within an ancient oak tree. As Oakheart Woman, she felt the strength and wisdom of the tree, grounding her in a way she had never experienced before. She stood tall, her branches providing shelter and solace to all who sought refuge beneath her canopy.
From within the tree, the poet watched the world with a sense of timelessness. She felt the wind rustling through her leaves and the warmth of Father Sun nourishing her. In what felt like moments, she witnessed the Wheel of the Year turning, each season bringing its own unique beauty and challenges. At Ostara, she watched daffodils bloom. At Litha, she provided shade to weary travellers. At Mabon, her leaves transformed into a tapestry of gold and crimson, eventually falling to nourish Mother Earth. At Yule, she stood resilient against the bitter cold, a symbol of endurance and hope.
Through these seasonal changes, Oakheart Woman gained a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of all life. She saw how every action had a ripple effect on the world around her. Enlightened by the wisdom of the oak, the poet’s spirit soared anew as her song of hope whispered through the forest.
The poet’s consciousness shifted once more, and she found herself flowing through the landscape as a river. As Riversong Woman, she felt the cool, refreshing water carrying life and vitality to all who depended on her, nurturing the land and its inhabitants. The river wound its way through enchanted forests and meadows, past villages and towns, its gentle current a source of nourishment and renewal.
In her new form, the poet beheld the world with a sense of fluidity and synergy. She felt the joy of children playing along her banks and witnessed the hard work of farmers who relied on her waters. Beneath her surface, water lilies pushed themselves up, their broad green leaves, creating a floating sofa for frogs. She saw the beauty of nature mirrored in her waters, the sky and trees weaving a living tapestry.
As she flowed onwards, Riversong Woman felt a loving connection to the creatures that called her waters home. She watched fish swim gracefully, dragonflies dance across her surface, and otters play and hunt. Through this experience, the poet gained a deep understanding of the cycles of life and the importance of finding balance.
When the poet awakened, her dream lingered on, inspiring her to reach for her pen. The wisdom of Eaglespirit Woman, Oakheart Woman and Riversong Woman wove itself into the very fabric of her being. She carried their strength, resilience and grace, ready to face the challenges of life. Her story flowed effortlessly, a testament to the spirit and beauty she witnessed. She realised her words could heal and uplift not only herself but others too, just as in her dream.
From that moment onward, the poet became Cronewise Woman, sharing her dreams, poems and stories with others, embodying the wisdom and strength of the Crone. Her words became a beacon of hope, inspiring those who heard them to embrace their own inner strength and interconnectedness. She wrote of the eagle’s soaring spirit, the oak’s enduring wisdom and the river’s life-giving flow, weaving a modern-day fairy-tale that resonated with all who listened.
Cronewise Woman’s song of hope echoed through the hearts of many, a timeless melody that carried the promise of a brighter tomorrow, inspiring others with the enduring strength and beauty of the human spirit.
And so, the poet’s journey continues, ever evolving, ever growing. Walking the Crone’s path of wisdom and grace, she is learning to embody the symbols of transformation along the way … The End.”
Blessings always,
© Deborah Gregory 2025
Art by My Head Cinema
Your remarkable dream speaks to your soul-deep connection to the wisdom of Mother Nature, the very first Crone to share her wisdom with humanity. How I wish we still knew how to listen to and heed her voice and the voice of our own souls. We seem to spend so much of our time listening to the collective wisdom of others, and so little to the unique wisdom of our own natures.
Your dream of shifting consciousness from eagle to oak to river seems to offer guidance on how we can heighten our sensitivity to her wonders and thereby find ways to nurture and protect ourselves. I resonate with your suggestion to Elaine to try Active Imagination dialogues with her Tree Woman and Green Man, for they are surely aspects of her own soul.
The more I experiment with Active Imaginations the more helpful and meaningful they become. They are teaching me much I want and need to know about eldering. It’s a vast new territory to be explored.
I await the opportunity to hold Croneology in my hands with great anticipation. As you know I’ve been ‘out of commission’ for the last three weeks with a triple bypass surgery. I’ll write about it one of these days. Meanwhile, I’ll soon find the time and energy to order my copy and will be in touch when I finish it!
Much love and heaps of blessings, Jeanie
Dearest Jeanie,
Oh, I love how you see Mother Nature as our ‘very first Crone!’ What a profound insight! Indeed, I wish we would all listen more to the wisdom of our ‘own’ nature rather than the collective wisdom of others. The Crone’s Path of Individuation, although challenging, ultimately rewards us with the riches of Heaven as we become more of our true selves.
In my dream, I noticed the sequence of my journey from air to earth to water has mirrored my own life journey. For as a child, I was a daydreamer, my feet never quite touching the ground. Motherhood rooted me for many years until midlife, when I encountered Marion Woodman and Carl Jung which is slowly guiding me to become that metaphorical river.
This brings me to your very recent recovery from heart surgery. I’m so happy to hear that you’re recovering. Take all the time you need to fully recover and regain your strength my dear friend. And here you are today, offering your love and wisdom to the world. You’re an inspiration to me! In these dark times, your love and light are much needed in this world.
Thank you so much for your kind-hearted words about “Croneology,” which I’m releasing this Saturday, 1st February (six days!). I can’t wait to awaken the archetypal Crone within the world! Yesss! I look forward to hearing your thoughts and reflections once you’ve had the chance to read it in the weeks and months to come.
Be gentle with yourself during these soul days.
All the love in my heart, Deborah
It is a precious and enlightening dream crafted by a wise Crone poet, which may reveal how it might have been for humankind. How wonderful it would be if we could traverse Mother Nature like ghosts to grasp the essence of existence. It is a beautiful tale filled with a captivating dream, dear Deborah.
Sincerely yours, Aladin.
Oh, I’m deeply touched that my dream resonated with you in such a profound way my dear friend! Thank you so much Aladin for your kind and thoughtful words! Wow! The idea of traversing Mother Nature like ‘ghosts to grasp the essence of existence’ is indeed a beautiful and poetic vision. I’m grateful for your appreciation and for sharing this journey we call life with me. Psk! I borrowed half of my title “Symbols of Transformation” from the great man himself, Jung. I hope you’re feeling well this weekend and getting plenty of rest. Love and light, Deborah.
Your comment, dear friend, is truly inspiring to me!
Big love to you Aladin! x
What an incredible dream Deborah – I can feel the interconnection of Oakheart, Riversong and Eaglespirit woman with this beautiful planet. Not only do I think of the Ents when you talk about the Oak but also of Tolkien’s Elves, who seem to be connected in such a similar way. This is a fairy tale yet it also encompasses the Oneness that I believe we have with Mother Earth and all the life she holds. Sometimes we forget about that Oneness but this is a beautiful reminder – thank you. Blessings, Sophia
Thank you so much Sophia for your beautiful comment! I’m so happy that my dream / story / song of hope and transformation resonated with you and brought to mind the interconnection with Mother Earth. Yes! Oakheart Woman is reminiscent of the Ents, perhaps a missing wife? Tolkien’s Elves too, I forgot about them, who also share a deep bond with nature. It’s wonderful to know that my fairy-tale serves as a reminder of the Oneness we share with Mother Earth and all her life forms. May we always remember and cherish this sacred connection. Love and light, Deborah.
So beautiful. Elaine Mansfield’s comments (above) expressed my own similar feelings so eloquently! Got a visceral sense of “Interconnectedness” while reading about this transformative dream. Timing is perfect, amid constant focus on the surreal vagaries of #47. Grateful to be Canadian but we’re all literally connected, and the mood here is dramatic: fear/hopelessness. The dream is an antidote for the soul; like those water lilies, we continue to rise. There are symbols everywhere. Time to Balance, turn off the news, and find ‘nourishment and renewal’. Seeing clearly for the first time in so long. This was a gift. Thank you!
Thank you so much dear Patti for your beautiful, poetic reply! I’m deeply moved by your visceral sense of interconnectedness while reading my song of hope and transformation. Indeed, amid the surreal vagaries of our times, it’s important to find moments of balance and renewal. I’m so grateful to hear that my story served as an antidote for your soul.
Your reflections on the symbols and the need to turn off the news resonate deeply. It’s a reminder that we are all connected and in these challenging times, finding nourishment and renewal is crucial. I’m deeply touched that my story also gifts you the gift of clarity and hope. Lastly, ha-ha! I had to google #47 to fully understand! Love and light, Deborah.
So beautiful, Cronewise Woman, with seamless shifting from birdwoman to oakwoman to riverwoman. What a gift of a dream! What a poet! I love the dream and the songs of hope. I feel quietly desperate to find that hope within myself. I’ll read your poem again, a few times, and write more later. This has to sit in my heart a while in hopes of finding these energies there.
Thank you from down the river and in the sky and within the tree. Your words are a blessing to my parched body and soul. I miss the oaks of my forest, but it’s been too cold for my lungs to breathe the air on a walk. I will take this poem and read it to the oaks as soon as the weather softens.
Blessings to all of life from your world to mine.
Dearest Elaine,
Thank you so much for your beautiful, kind-hearted reply! I love, love, love (it’s a fairy-tale after all and three is a magickal number!) that you’ll take my story to your forest and read it to the oaks. Wow! I did wonder why I felt called this week to share my dream story with the world. Perhaps this tale is especially for you, as I know we’ve both had shamanic tree dreams. Who knows … maybe in a previous life we were once upon a time known as ‘tree folk,’ like J.R.R. Tolkien’s mythical Ents.
Hmm, have you ever considered using Jung’s Active Imagination to dialogue with your ‘Tree Woman’, to ask what she has to say? Even though in your dream she was someone known to you in waking life, as we both know, when viewed through a Jungian lens, all persons, buildings, animals and symbols in our dreams represent an aspect of ourselves. Plus, as your beloved Vic is often referred to as “The Green Man” and you live surrounded by a large forest, I intuit that trees figure largely in your life. Mine too, as three of my four books have what I call ‘Guardian’ trees on their front and back covers.
Indeed, let this sit in your heart a while my dear friend until those elemental energies take root. Sending much love, light and songs of hope across the oceans and oak tops between us, Deborah.